This week’s deal is particularly pleasing: a simple play to exploit the fact that, with an odd number of cards outstanding, the odds favour as even a break as possible.

Dealer East
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North’s 3C bid was Fourth Suit Forcing, indicating an opening hand and asking for further description from his partner. East should probably double this bid, asking for a club lead but, when he failed to do so, West opted for 2♥ instead.

Declarer sees 11 tricks and knows that dummy’s long spade suit offers a little over an even money chance of a 12th. Winning in hand, South plays J♠ to A♠ and ruffs a low spade in hand. He crosses to dummy’s Q♥ and ruffs a second low spade, noting that the suit is dividing 4-3. He pulls the final trump, crosses to J♦, and ruffs a third spade with his last trump. Finally, he leads a low diamond to dummy’s A♦ — delighted to see West’s 10♦ appear — before cashing the final spade, on which he discards a club from hand. Now, he can overtake Q♦ with A♦ and lay down 9♦. Twelve tricks scored via a simple suit establishment.

At some tables, West found the club lead (whether or not East got the chance or exploited the opportunity to double for a lead). But where West led something else, only one player executed the play as above. An easy way to score a top, wouldn’t you agree?

Paul Mendelson’s new book, ‘The Joy of Bridge’, is out now

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