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In response to North’s take-out double, many players opted to respond with 3C, which North correctly passed. Some even bid 5C — a reasonable punt — but, unless North is strong, unlikely to succeed. The most logical, positive response is 3NT. You have sound stoppers in the opponent’s suit and almost certainly six quick tricks in clubs. Players reluctant to make such a bid cited the singleton and doubleton holdings in the major suits, but this is not valid. North cannot hold more than one point in clubs, so is marked with almost all the rest of his opening hand values in the major suits. Being short in diamonds and, quite possibly only holding three clubs, also suggests 4-4 in the major suits. Added to this, you have knowledge of where all the outstanding high cards are likely to be located.

Finally, the level: for less experienced players, remember that, when bidding no-trump contracts, add a point for every card over four in any long suit likely to produce tricks, as well as half a point for every 10 held — and, here, 10♦ could be significant — to assemble your total. So, when contemplating the NT response, South’s hand is actually worth 13½ points — well worth the immediate jump to game.

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